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pl/sql library for JSON

Monday 3 December 2007


pl/sql library for JSON


Here is the first release of a PL/SQL package for JSON (Javascript Simple Object Notation). This program is published under the GNU LGPL License.

The package’s features are :
 create and manipulate JSON objects
 add attributes and array to a JSON object
 convert from JSON to string
 convert from String to JSON structure
 debugging function
 customizable output (web or custom)

a little test procedure gives an idea of capabilities of this package.

The 1.1 version has released. Here the changelog between 1.0 and 1.1

 Add some stuff to prevent from javascript Hijacking, prototype framework compatible :
/*-secure-\n{...json object...}\n*/
 Add procedure to send appropriate mime type for Web output "application/json"
 printing enhancement.
 suppress global variable g_output_type.
 bug corrections in String2Json func.
 Add procedure to stream out the json object
 Suppress indentation for better perf on long json objects.
 Refactor terms to match on the english terms
 bug correction in getAttrValue, add param pOutPutStringDelimiter and pOutPutSeparator
that allows to format the output of the function.
 Add function getAttrArray that return an array of values in an plsql array of varchar2
 Add Array2String utility.
 Add License informations

PL/SQL package for JSON
1.1 stable version

The 1.0 version has released.

PL/SQL package for JSON
1.0 stable version

 Added a basic validation function to validate struture of JSON objects.

Documents :